On the evening of Thursday 8 December 2016, the founding members appointed founding directors to create the first Board on the Shotley Heritage Charitable Community Benefit Society Ltd.
The objects of the Society shall be to carry on any business for the benefit of the community by:
(a) Preservation, protection, renovation, reconstruction and enhancement of the structures, maritime effects and related artefacts of historical and architectural merit in the area known as Shotley Peninsula, Suffolk and its environs (“the area of benefit”) for public benefit and
(b) The promotion of the area of benefit as a community and heritage destination for recreational purposes for the benefit for all its inhabitants and visitors.
Please visit our Shotley Heritage website here to view more information about members of the Board.
At an SGM in November 2017, the objects were amended so that verbs were used instead of nouns, being an important distinction when applying for charitable status, they have to be “doing” words rather than descriptive.
So following a unanimous vote, the new objects, with the amended parts underlined :
The objects of the Society shall be for the public benefit to:
(a) Preserve, protect, renovate, reconstruct and enhance the structures, maritime effects and related artefacts of historical and architectural merit in the area known as Shotley Peninsula, Suffolk and its environs (“the area of benefit”);and
(b) Promote the area of benefit as a community and heritage destination for recreational purposes for the benefit for all its inhabitants and visitors.